Davidoff Primeros Dominican Cigar – 1 Single Cigar


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Davidoff Primeros Dominican Cigar – 1 Single Cigar

Flavour: Medium to Light
Size: Petit Panatela
Vitola de Galera:
Length: 4 1/8 inches / 105 mms
Ring Gauge / Width: 34 / 13.39 mms


Davidoff Primeros Dominican Cigars are a Petit Panatela, a handmade small cigar perfect for when time is at premium. Handmade in the Dominican Republic. 

Davidoff is a premium brand of luxury cigars which is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. They own two cigar factories located in the Dominican Republic and Honduras and produce a wide range of cigars made from tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras and the United States of America.

The Davidoff brand was founded by Zino Davidoff, the “King of Cigars” in 1946 in Switzerland when he released his first cigar, the “Chateau Latour”.  By the 1960s, he was so highly regarded that he was approached by the Cuban government to make a range of cigars from Cuban tobacco. Eventually the brand would grown to include pipe tobacco, cigarettes, humidors and a range of luxury accessories.

The Davidoff Primeros range is a little treat. A small luxury cigar perfect if you only have a quik quarter of an hour to spare or perhaps as a sampler before buying one of the larger cigars. The Davidoff Primeros Dominican Cigars are made from the same blend of tobacco as their classic Panatela, the Signature No 2: there is a Connecticut wrapper from Ecuador, the binder is hybrid Connecticut / Habano Seco from Ecuador and the filler is Piloto Seco, San Vincento Seco and Olor Seco from the Dominica Republic.

Smoke time is around 15 minutes.



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